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[one_half]Leadership Focus & Mindfulness (Sponsored by Empowerment Holdings)
Signing up for our Leadership Focus & Mindfulness subscription gives you access to live, in-person Q&A sessions with Dawa Tarchin Phillips and other handpicked mindfulness and leadership experts. These group sessions are held from around the world and feature ongoing discussions on pressing individual leadership questions and other important topics related to Leadership Focus & Mindfulness.
[button color=”Accent-Color” size=”large” url=”/leadership-focus-mindfulness/” text=”Learn More”] [/one_half] [one_half_last]Buddha Dharma Social Club
for the Expansion of Consciousness
A special opportunity to join Dawa for a weekly 30 minutes online Q&A about Dharma practice, bi-monthly 30 minutes live online meditation sessions (join from anywhere around the world), 30 minutes monthly online wishing prayer sessions, weekly inspiration e-mails, access to Dawa’s audio & video archives, access to other handpicked teachers audio & video archives, access to our Frequently Asked Questions, and an online community of likeminded people including chat room.
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