The relationship between humanity and our biosphere is on a perilous course. It is important to recognize that humans and the planet are not separate lifeforms but co-exist in a symbiotic and synergistic relationship. To support that awakening, Dawa and his team from time to time lead a special 30-day pilgrimage around the world! Click here for future dates, details and destinations. Sign up now to learn more!
Awakened Leadership and Mindfulness in Business and Education
The Mindful Leadership Collection is one of the world’s finest online speaker collections for Founders, Executives, Managers and anyone aspiring to become a Mindful Leader.
Sign up here to get it now!

Raising Awareness for Mindfulness with Children and Youth
A collaboration with Marco Polo & Jeff Bridges for Mindfulness and Compassionate Awareness
European clothing manufacturer Marco Polo and Academy Award winning actor Jeff Bridges collaborate on a clothing line to raise awareness for mindfulness work with children and youth, and raise support for Mindfulness and Compassionate Awareness. Uma Thurman models the women’s collection.
The shirts carry Jeff’s hand drawn versions of Dawa’s original, meaningful and uplifting designs and are worn by tens of thousands of people around the world.