Receive your FREE GIFT here: Dawa Tarchin Phillips' special report on Mindfulness and Money. Please signup to receive this free guide on the prosperity of the awakened state...
Money has been ranked as the #1 one cause of stress in many countries around the world for several years. Your relationship with money needs mindfulness and awareness, and it needs it TODAY! This free special report by mindfulness expert, author and global spiritual leader Dawa Tarchin Phillips covers a concise list of human qualities, behaviors and skills that directly relate to your ability to bring mindfulness into and effectively transform your relationship with money TODAY.
"Your relationship with money needs mindfulness and awareness."
About the teacher...
Dawa Tarchin Phillips is a master Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, Co-Founder of the Mindful Leadership Online Training Conference, CEO of Empowerment Holdings, LLC, and President of the International Mindfulness Teachers Association.
"This FREE GIFT represents a direct response to the many economic and financial challenges faced by many individuals and communities in the world today."